Ted Hessel
Football 1953-57 Volunteer with Alumni Association, Western’s Senate – 24 Years Previous Executive Director and President of the W-Club Curator of the John P. Metras Sports Museum
On the mission of the John P. Metras Sports Museum
“Well, I’d like to tell the world about the athletic development at the university. One example would be that if you look at the pictures of the aerial photographs of the early, photographs of the university you will see three buildings plus a stadium. That’s pretty impressive, to have a stadium when the university only had the arts building, the science building and the power house. And the fourth building was the stadium. The reputation of the university, while being academic, was very athletic. And I believe that the athletic program, because of those early coaches, and their dedication and commitment to athletics and what that can do for students, put Western on the map, I think there you would find that there was more publicity about the Western teams than there was about the university per se. So I think that was a very attractive method for recruiting students to the university, but realizing also that athletics was a part of the educational process and if you ask those athletes what they learned, the intrinsic things would be wonderful to hear them talk about and so why not record some of that?”